once caught your glassy eyes Staring without seeing through the Broken blue stained-glass window Your red-hot face,
frowning Deep in grotesque concentration, Like a mask out of Picasso's Abstract paintings. Bony fingers tapping
on the Cold surface of the black Oak Louis XV side table. A Walkman In hand and microscopic earphones Plugging
the heavy metal music In your ears. Silence is trapped in Golden moment of mournful interlude Your slight jaw and
sagging shoulders Is a picture of the world coming to a sluggish end? You found your tender lips kissing the Cool
balmy air, dreaming of the sweet unassuming Kisses of an erstwhile lover that gone mad A love-struck Romeo! But your
day is over and your psyche finally Succumbed to the distressing, Pointless exercise in your gloomy midst Quietly...gingerly...you
reach for that one Last pill in the pocket and all the troubles Were swept into the dark void calming Your fragile
nerves in quiet slumber of vibrant Trance.
A Fool's Prayer
Speak to me in language of long ago Whisper ancient words softly in my
ear Make me your lover in the fleeting rain And your bosom friend in the midst of violent waves
Let us make a
solemn vow under the golden sun That the scars of the future and the promise of yesteryears Be buried and forgotten
in the present moment
Let us taste the sweetness of scarred glory And dig our own grave in joyous melancholy
there be Peace in our sanctuary.
The Warrior
His monstrous presence can be felt-
A modern-day Colossus; Steely
eyes, rusty breath, iron hands.
In the vast wasteland of human tragedy He scaled the dark brassy steps and trod
the narrow slopes with his tin soled shoes.
He passed beneath the River of Death, like a phantom armed with
a copper-plated, unflinching soldered heart.
Dark Visions
On a cold night, I saw-
Doomed faces, crammed in a boxcar On
a one-way ticket to hell!
Their black eyes stared in circles Whispering unintelligible archaic voices that Echoes
the brutality of their tormentor
I stood alone at the crossroads Motionless...Hopeless... In the dark.
Bill Mitsuru T. Shimizu
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