Christmas Eve
unlike last year there is no snow yet
but the wind chill is quiet cold--
Numbing your skin
tearing into your bones
freezing your emotions…
In the dead of night I am awake--
lying in my bedroom
staring into the gloom with nothing else to do
But I like the quiet;
the stillness of the place
the serenity of the moment.
For I am at peace with myself when I am alone in total darkness

Christmas Day!
Its midnight and here I am once again
tapping on my keyboard Trying to fight sleep as I try to write my piece. Its been going on like this since I started
it a month ago today.
I wonder if how many people are still awake at this very moment? Are they also into something
or just a plain insomniac trying hard to fall asleep?
I can now hear the sounds--- of the Church bells ringing, The
noises and hurried footsteps made by people passing at my doorsteps. I wonder what are their businesses at this very unholy
At a distance, I heard the rooster crowed to signal the break of day. It was only then that I remember that
it is Christmas day!
c.December 25, 2000

The Simplicity of Life
Romeo is a simple man. He works as a simple guard in a
simple store. He lives in a simple home.
He has a simple family. He eats simple food. And sings simple
He has simple dreams. And has simple philosophy on everything.
But one day when he came home to
his simple house He found out that his simple wife left him for the arms of another simple man. He simply got the
gun from his simple bag- And put an end to his simple life! December 21, 2000
A Day In
The Life
Here I am staring blankly at the linoleum floor. Its been going on like this for about an hour now. I
want to write something but my mind is not working!
Unconsciously my fingers started to toy around with the keyboard.
But nothing substantial came out of it. My mind is really out of synch! For how can you explain a moment like
I look around looking for inspiration. My eyes caught the book my friend Rajiv brought me yesterday. I
pick it up and started to flip on the pages
The Missus casually entered the room after a hard day in the office And
was surprised to find me reading the book of Kamasutra! December 24, 2000
got a gun
Johnnie was once a simple man. For years hes been quietly working on his farm.
Then one cold
December morning-- His son was shot and killed by a drunken man.
The murderer is a quiet bespectacled man. From
afar he looks like an honorable one.
But dont let his looks deceive you. For that is not the way to judge a man.
Now Johnnie is a changed man. After the man got away with the murder of his son
One day Johnnie took the
law in his hands And killed the bastard with a homemade gun! December 23, 2000

An Affair To Remember
Before I consider it as Exciting!
Extraordinary! Excellent!
Now I consider it EXTINCT! December 28, 2000
Madness, Most Discreet
Nobody knows about it Not even the slightest bit My Julieth, let it remain a secret
Thats a request from your Romeo December 28, 2000
I wish all these to have I
wish for LOVE I wish for PEACE I wish for an ETERNAL BLISS December 29, 2000
Life goes on... Clock ticks... every second every minute very hour days nights Life goes on
Clock stops Life ends. December 29, 2000

My life -a driftwood bobbing and bubbling in the
murky river.
My thoughts -a feather sashaying into the waves of the misty air.
My heart -a barren
wasteland of memories gone by.
-a never-ending story of brilliant silhouettes of the fire that failed to
ignite |
Contact me: Inksandverses@yahoo.com
Bill Mitsuru T. Shimizu
All Rights Reserved
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