Broken China
Sitting alone under the century-old Tamarind tree, meditating on anything that comes to mind that will ease the loneliness
inside. Like a sordid drought of intellectual exercise that harms the mind, thoughts run like mad and strike a fire that
engulfs everything in its path. The shockwaves shook the nerves of everyone that happens to be around and brought shivers
to the weak spines when they saw the precious China crashing into the silver clouds. Broken in a hundred slivers, I weep for
the loss of my only link to the golden past.

I dReAm. I wIsH. I hOpE.
I gRiEvE. I wEeP. I aChe.
I hUrT DeEpLy.
My Being. My Soul. My Life.
In SoLiTude, I am ME.

for centuries i have seen history ubfolds before my weary
eyes... i am a time-traveler a restless spirit on the run! i have walked the earth as a noble warrior and
a lucky survivor in the endless drama of human's pride and strife. i am the lonely voyager with a thousand stories
to tell, the courageous mariner braving the ancient gale. i am the seeker of the Holy Grail, the lonesome wanderer
who defied the curse of father time. for ages, i have seek the treasures of happiness and wept. i have failed
in my quest miserably i am nothing but a forlorn ghost, a sorry eyewitness to man's never-ending follies in his
elusive search for that thing called Greatness.
Monday Blues
Its another Monday morning. Here I am struggling
to get out of bed. Another day but the feeling is still the same.
I am dead tired of living. I am sick of
everything. But I am not doing anything.
One day, all these will come to pass. And I will be alive and kicking-
In hell or in heaven

Lunar Eclipse
The moonbeams from above Colors your lovely face in silver Lifting my spirits high
Your eyes sparkles
like diamonds Washing my sins with your sacred tears. Easing my tired soul’s untold sadness.
Golden moments
like these In the darkest times of my life Made my weary psyche sigh.
I am in a deep, deep trance Unmindful
of my sorry existence Lost in lucid dreams of pink paper flowers And blue minted hearts floating in the crimson sky.
am nothing but a foolish dreamer Consigned to suffer in oblivion in the Dark recesses of my mind.

Light & Shadow
Walking alone in an alley I ventured into a dark valley My soul fumbled in twilight and lost my way.
I saw you Standing in a corner Flashing your Satanic grin and Mephistophelean eyes
I groped for my senses, screamed
for my soul as I tried to break off from this idiotic Beelzebub's quest.
Daylight Proclaimed my freedom from
your wicked curse

The Game My eyes hurt. My head aches. My senses numbed. I feel weak and exhausted. But I have to
be alert. Or else I will end up- Dead. Armed with a submachine gun. I fired left and right. Damn,
theres no stopping this addiction To a game called- Counter Strike. #081801

The Truth Shall Set You Free In the autumn of discontent, the
epoch of uncertainty you bid your goodbye to me.
Beneath the silence, the newfound autonomy lays the realization of
ones own mortality.
We cast the first stone, awed by the discovery in the bosom of hell still, God reigns